domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Nowadays, we live in a world very unequal. We don't see the same costums, economy and style of live between countries like Spain or African for example. I would to tried this differences in this blog because I think that sometimes we don't pay attention in this important aspects because we haven't a lot of problems and costs us to see how bad is the situation in other countries.
I think that as a journalism I have the obligation to inform about this in order to show the reality and the situation of our world in nowadays.

I reflect this with graphics create in class of graphic design that permite to see this situation a little better. Thanks,


1 comentario:

  1. Thank you for the information Alba! I think the graphics are very clear and I agree with your point of view. I really like you care and you put the light on continents like Africa, due to society is not aware enough about the bad we are doing to them. I appreciate so much the interest of caring about it. I hope the success of your project!=)
